- Bachelor of Primary Education
- Bachelor of Primary Education (Creative Arts)
- Bachelor of Primary Education (Health and Physical Education)
- Bachelor of Primary Education
- Bachelor of Secondary Education (Health and Physical Education)
- Bachelor of Secondary Education/Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Secondary Education/Bachelor of Science
- Master of Education
- Master of Education Studies
- Graduate Diploma in TESOL and Foreign Language Teaching (FLT)
- Master of Primary Teaching
- Master of Secondary Teaching
Với 30 năm lịch sử, University of Canberra (UC) là một trường đại học non trẻ sở hữu quan điểm về giáo dục vô cùng mới mẻ. Hướng tiếp cận đào tạo gắn liền với thực tiễn và liên kết chặt chẽ với ngành của UC đã giúp trường có thứ hạng cao trên các bảng xếp hạng, nằm trong top 18 trường Đại học trẻ tốt nhất thế giới (Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2020).
Xếp hạng
Ký túc xá
Lý do hàng đầu để học ở đây
- Chương trình học lồng ghép thực tập và làm việc trong các dự án thực tế cùng các doanh nghiệp giúp sinh viên UC nắm rõ môi trường làm việc thực tế và sẵn sàng làm việc ngay sau khi tốt nghiệp
- Top 1% trường đại học tốt nhất thế giới (THE 2020)
- Trường được đánh giá cao về dịch vụ hỗ trợ sinh viên, tài nguyên học tập và phát triển kỹ năng, đứng đầu tại ACT (QILT 2019).
- Học sinh theo học tại UC được ưu tiên ở lại 3-6 năm ngay sau khi tốt nghiệp
- Các học xá của University of Canberra:
- Canberra (Học xá chính)
- Melbourne: Global Business College of Australia (Melbourne CBD)
- Queensland
- TAFE Queensland Brisbane (South Bank)
- TAFE Queensland Brisbane (Mount Gravatt)
- Sydney: TAFE NSW Northern Sydney (RTO)
Khóa học
Giáo dục ( 13 )
Luật ( 14 )
- Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Justice Studies
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Design
- Bachelor of Forensic Studies/ Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Justice Studies/Bachelor of Forensic Studies
- Bachelor of Politics and International Relations/ Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology/ Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Laws
- Master of Laws
- Master Degree Course in Juris Doctor
- Master of Law (Research)
Kinh doanh ( 41 )
- Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship & Innovation)
- Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)
- Bachelor of Business (International Business)
- Bachelor of Business (Management)
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business (Service Management)
- Bachelor of Business (Sport Management)
- Bachelor of Business Informatics
- Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Business Informatics
- Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Design
- Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Science in Psychology
- Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance)
- Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
- Bachelor of Commerce (Business Economics)
- Bachelor of Commerce (Finance and Banking)
- Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Planning)
- Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Laws
- Diploma of Business
- Bachelor of Accounting
- Bachelor of Software Engineering/Bachelor of Business Informatics
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Business Administration (Plus)
- Master of Business Informatics
- Master of Design Strategies
- Master of International Business
- Master of Marketing Management
- Graduate Diploma in Business Informatics
- Graduate Diploma in Design Strategies
- Master of Business (Research)
- Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (Research)
- Diploma of Business (Extended)
- Diploma of Business Informatics (Extended)
- Master of Professional Accounting
- Graduate Diploma in Accounting
- Graduate Diploma in Business
Kỹ thuật ( 6 )
Y dược ( 31 )
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science in Psychology
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation
- Bachelor of Health Science (Human Movement)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition Studies)
- Bachelor of Human Nutrition
- Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging)
- Bachelor of Medical Science
- Bachelor of Midwifery
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy
- Bachelor of Vision Science
- Diploma of Health
- Bachelor of Health Science (Human Movement)/ Bachelor of Human Nutrition
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology/ Bachelor of Health Science (Human Movement)
- Master of Medical Imaging
- Master of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Master of Pharmacy
- Master of Occupational Therapy
- Postgraduate Diploma in Health Research
- Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Nursing Advanced
- Master of Health (Research)
- Master of Physiotherapy
- Master of Public Health
- Master of Speech Pathology
- Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) & Foreign Language Teaching (FLT)
Truyền thông ( 14 )
- Bachelor of Arts (Digital Media)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication and Media
- Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Communication and Media
- Bachelor of Communication and Media(Corporate and Public Communication)
- Bachelor of Communication and Media (Journalism)
- Bachelor of Communication and Media (Marketing Communication)
- Bachelor of Communication and Media (Sports Media)
- Bachelor of Communication and Media/ Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Communication and Media
- Bachelor of Communication and Media/ Bachelor of Event and Tourism Management
- Diploma of Communication
- Master of Communication
- Graduate Diploma in Communication
- Diploma of Communication (Extended)
Thiết kế và kiến trúc ( 14 )
- Bachelor of Building and Construction Management
- Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Design
- Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design)
- Bachelor of Design (Interaction Design)
- Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication Design)
- Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Communication and Media
- Bachelor of Landscape Design
- Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Design
- Bachelor of the Built Environment (Architecture)
- Bachelor of the Built Environment (Interior Architecture)
- Diploma of Design
- Master of Architecture
- Master of Design Strategies
- Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours)
Khoa học ứng dụng ( 17 )
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Environmental Science
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science
- Bachelor of Vision Science
- Bachelor of Applied Science in Forensic Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Honours)
- Bachelor of Sport Studies (Honours)
- Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Secondary Education/Bachelor of Science
- Diploma of Science
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours)
- Master of Applied Science (Research)