- Bachelor of Arts with Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Accounting
- Bachelor of Accounting and Corporate Finance
- Bachelor of Business (Global)
- Bachelor of Business Management
- Bachelor of Business Management and Accounting
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Corporate Finance
- Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Economics (Advanced)
- Bachelor of Finance
- Bachelor of Finance (International)
- Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of International Business
- Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences with Bachelor of Finance
- Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Economics
- Honours Degree of Bachelor of Commerce
- Honours Degree of Bachelor of Economics
- Honours Degree of Bachelor of Finance
- Diploma in Business
- Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences with Bachelor of Finance
- Bachelor of Teaching (Middle) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
- Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
- Bachelor of Marketing
- Bachelor of Economics with Bachelor of Finance
- Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Teaching (Middle) with Bachelor of Business Management
- Adelaide Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
- Adelaide Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
- Graduate Certificate in Applied Economics
- Graduate Certificate in Applied Project Management
- Graduate Certificate in Commerce
- Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security (Management)
- Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship
- Graduate Certificate in Global Food and Agricultural Business
- Graduate Certificate in Health Economics
- Graduate Certificate in Wine Business
- Adelaide Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
- Graduate Diploma in Agribusiness
- Graduate Diploma in Applied Economics
- Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance
- Graduate Diploma in Business Law
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce
- Graduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Graduate Diploma in Global Food and Agricultural Business
- Graduate Diploma in Health Economics
- Graduate Diploma in International Trade and Development
- Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting
- Graduate Diploma in Wine Business
- Adelaide Master of Business Administration
- Master of Accounting
- Master of Accounting and Finance
- Master of Accounting and Marketing
- Master of Advanced Economics
- Graduate Certificate in International Trade and Development
- Master of Applied Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Master of Business Administration (Emerging Leaders)
- Master of Business Administration (Entrepreneurship)
- Master of Business Administration (International Trade and Development)
- Master of Business Administration (Marketing)
- Master of Business Administration (Project Management)
- Master of Business Administration (Wine Business)
- Master of Business Law
- Master of Business Research
- Master of Computing and Innovation
- Master of Construction Management
- Master of Agribusiness
- Master of Applied Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Master of Applied Economics
- Master of Applied Finance
- Master of Finance
- Master of Finance and Business Economics
- Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Master of International Management
- Master of International Trade and Development
- Master of Marketing
- Master of Professional Accounting
- Master of Property
- Master of Wine Business
- Master of Education
- Master of Commerce by coursework

Đại học Adelaide vinh dự góp mặt trong top 1% các trường đại học trên thế giới đồng thời là thành viên của Nhóm 8 trường đại học danh giá nhất nước Úc. Từ khi thành lập năm 1874 đến nay, trường đã và đang xây dựng được uy tín vững chắc về chất lượng xuất sắc trong học tập, giảng dạy và nghiên cứu. Với 110 giải Rhodes và 5 giải Nobel từng được trao cho các cựu sinh viên xuất chúng của trường, Adelaide hiện là ngôi trường mơ ước của sinh viên quốc tế. Những năm gần đây, Đại học Adelaide đã đầu tư trên 500 triệu đô la Úc (AUD) vào các công trình xây dựng học xá, cơ sở vật chất và hạ tầng tiêu chuẩn quốc tế, mang đến cho sinh viên trải nghiệm học tập hiện đại nhất.
Lý do hàng đầu để học ở đây
Top 1% những trường đại học tốt nhất trên thế giới
#106 trong bảng xếp hạng QS World University Rankings (2020)
Trường là thành viên của Nhóm 8 trường đại học nghiên cứu danh giá trên toàn nước Úc
Trường tọa lạc ngay tại trung tâm thành phố Adelaide
Khóa học
- Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Computer Sciences
- Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences with Bachelor of Finance
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced)
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
- Bachelor of Technology (Defence Industries)
- Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences with Bachelor of Finance
- Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Computer Sciences
- Bachelor of Teaching (Middle) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
- Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
- Honours Degree of Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
- Graduate Certificate in Computer Science
- Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security (Management)
- Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security (Secure Software)
- Graduate Diploma in Computer Science
- Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security
- Graduate Diploma in Machine Learning
- Graduate Certificate in International Security
- Master of Bioinformatics
- Master of Computer Science
- Master of Computing and Innovation
- Master of Cyber Security
- Master of Data Science
- Master of Machine Learning
- Master of Marine Engineering
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery
- Bachelor of Oral Health
- Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
- Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Advanced)
- Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Honours Degree of Bachelor of Nursing
- Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology (Biomedical)
- Graduate Certificate in Health Economics
- Graduate Certificate in Public Health
- Graduate Diploma in Health Economics
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Acute Care Nursing)
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing)
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Cardiac Nursing)
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Emergency Nursing)
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Intensive Care Nursing)
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Oncology Nursing)
- Graduate Diploma in Public Health
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Orthopaedic Nursing)
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Perioperative Nursing)
- Graduate Diploma in Forensic Odontology
- Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical)
- Master of Clinical Nursing
- Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy
- Master of Health Economics and Policy
- Master of Medical Radiation Physics
- Master of Nursing Science
- Master of Nursing Science (Acute Care Nursing)
- Master of Nursing Science (Anaesthetics and Recovery Nursing)
- Master of Nursing Science (Burns Nursing)
- Master of Nursing Science (Cardiac Nursing)
- Master of Nursing Science (Emergency Nursing)
- Master of Nursing Science (Intensive Care Nursing)
- Master of Nursing Science (Oncology Nursing)
- Master of Nursing Science (Orthopaedic Nursing)
- Master of Nursing Science (Renal Nursing)
- Master of Public Health
- Doctor of Clinical Dentistry
- Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Media
- Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Computer Sciences
- Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Criminology
- Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Sociology
- Honours Degree of Bachelor of Media
- Bachelor of Media
- Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Computer Sciences
- Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Media
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
- Graduate Certificate in Media (Strategic Communication)
- Graduate Diploma in Immersive Media Technologies
- Graduate Diploma in Interpreting, Translation and Transcultural Communication
- Graduate Diploma in Media (Strategic Communication)
- Graduate Certificate in Immersive Media Technologies
- Master of Immersive Media Technologies
- Master of Media (Strategic Communication)
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science (Advanced)
- Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)
- Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)
- Bachelor of Science (Ecotourism)
- Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management
- Bachelor of Science (Ecotourism)
- Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology)
- Bachelor of Science (Mineral Geoscience)
- Bachelor of Science (Wildlife Conservation Biology)
- Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences
- Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Advanced)
- Bachelor of Science (Space Sc & Astrophysics)
- Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science in High Performance Computational Physics
- Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science (Advanced)
- Bachelor of Teaching (Middle) with Bachelor of Science
- Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Engineering Science
- Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Geology and Geophysics
- Graduate Certificate in Science
- Graduate Diploma in Science
- Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics
- Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical)
- Graduate Diploma in Petroleum Engineering Science
- Graduate Diploma in Science (Ecotourism)
- Master of Mathematical Sciences
- Master of Science
- Master of Science (Ecotourism)
- Master of Science (Petroleum Geoscience)
Tìm kiếm học bổng

Family Scholarship
Available for commencing international undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students who are either spouse or immediate family of an existing University of Adelaide student or alumnus.

Global Citizens Scholarship
Awarded to high-achieving students who meets the minimum entry requirements for their chosen program.
- For UG applicants: GPA (Year 12) 8.0 -> 15%; GPA 9.0 -> 30%
- For PG applicants: GPA (UG Studies) 7.0 -> 15%; GPA 8.0 -> 30%

Global Citizens Scholarships
The scholarship offers a reduction of between 15% and 30% of the tuition fee for the minimum standard duration of the scholars chosen undergraduate or postgraduate degree.
Commencing an undergraduate qualification
- Year 12 overseas student with a minimum GPA of 8.0 for a 15% scholarship.
- Year 12 overseas student with a minimum GPA of 9.0 for a 30% scholarship.
Commencing a postgraduate qualification
- Overseas graduate with a minimum GPA of 7.0 for a 15% scholarship.
- Overseas graduate with a minimum GPA of 8.14 for a 30% scholarship.