- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Human Resources Management
- Bachelor of Business (BBus) in Human Resources Management
- Bachelor of Laws Honours (LLB(Hons)) in Law; Bachelor of Laws (LLB) in Law
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB) + Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB) + Bachelor of Business (BBus)
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) + Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
- Bachelor of Communication (BCommun) + Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
- Bachelor of Criminology (BCrim) + Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB) + Bachelor of Global Security (BGS)
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB) + Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Psychology
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB) + Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB) + Bachelor of Science (BSc)
- Bachelor of Criminology (BCrim) in Legal Studies
- Bachelor of Global Security (BGS) in Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies
- Bachelor of Business Honours (BBus(Hons)) in Business Law
- Bachelor of Criminology Honours (BCrim(Hons))
- Bachelor of Laws Honours (LLB(Hons))
- Bachelor of Business (BBus) in Business Law
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Business Law
- Bachelor of Criminology (BCrim) in Crime Science
- Bachelor of Criminology (BCrim) + Bachelor of Communication (BCommun)
- Bachelor of Criminology (BCrim) + Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Forensic Biology and Toxicology
- Bachelor of Criminology (BCrim) + Bachelor of Global Security (BGS)
- Bachelor of Criminology (BCrim) + Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology
- Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Environmental Management and Sustainability
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Global Business and Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Global Politics and Policy
- Master of Health Administration, Policy and Leadership (MHAPL)
- Graduate Certificate in Health Administration, Policy and Leadership (GCHAPL)
- Master of International Affairs and Security (MIAS)
- Graduate Certificate in Legal Practice (GradCertLP)
- Graduate Certificate in Policy and Development (GradCertPDev)
- Master of Public Policy and Management (MPPM)

Đại học Murdoch là một trong số những trường Đại học danh tiếng với chất lượng giáo dục cao được công nhận trên thế giới. Đây cũng là trường đại học duy nhất đạt tiêu chuẩn 5 sao về sự hài lòng của sinh viên sau khi tốt nghiệp trong 13 năm liền. Trường còn được Times Higher Education xếp trong top 100 trường đại học dưới 50 năm tuổi có nhiều thành tích và cống hiến nổi bật cho sự phát triển chung của hệ thống giáo dục thế giới. Tính đến thời điểm hiện tại, học Murdoch đã có các cơ sở tại tại Úc là Perth, Mandurah và Rockingham,và các cơ sở quốc tế ở Singapore và Dubai.
Lý do hàng đầu để học ở đây
- Top 2% trường đại học trên thế giới (Times Higher Education University Rankings)
- Trang thiết bị hiện đại, đạt chuẩn quốc tế, bao gồm: Thư viện, Nhà sách, Tòa án giả lập điện tử, Trung tâm nghệ thuật truyền thông với đài phát thanh và đài truyền hình, Phòng khám và cơ sở thú y được quốc tế công nhận
- Theo công bố của Good Universities Guide đầu tháng 8/2017, Đại học Murduch được đánh giá mức cao nhất là 5 sao cho mức lương khởi điểm của sinh viên sau khi tốt nghiệp trong một số lĩnh vực như: điều dưỡng, Tâm lý học, Giảng dạy Nhân Văn, Nhóm ngành thú y học, Văn hóa, xã hội,...
- Đội ngũ giảng viên giàu kinh nghiệm chuyên môn với 73% trong số đó có học hàm Tiến sĩ
- Có khu học xá riêng cho sinh viên là Murdoch University Village nằm ở thành phố Perth với diện tích lên đến 227 hecta đã làm cho Murdoch trở thành trường đại học có khuôn viên rộng lớn nhất nước Úc
Khóa học
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Human Resources Management
- Bachelor of Business (BBus) in Human Resources Management
- Bachelor of Information Technology and Business
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in International Business
- Bachelor of Business (BBus) in International Business
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB) + Bachelor of Business (BBus)
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) + Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Management
- Bachelor of Business (BBus) in Management
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Marketing
- Bachelor of Business (BBus) in Marketing
- Bachelor of Communication (BCommun) in Strategic Communication
- Bachelor of Business Honours (BBus(Hons)) in Accounting
- Bachelor of Business Honours (BBus(Hons)) in Banking
- Bachelor of Business Honours (BBus(Hons)) in Business Law
- Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc(Hons)) in Environmental Management and Sustainability
- Bachelor of Business Honours (BBus(Hons)) in Finance
- Bachelor of Business Honours (BBus(Hons)) in Management
- Bachelor of Business Honours (BBus(Hons)) in Marketing
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Accounting
- Bachelor of Business (BBus) in Accounting
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Banking
- Bachelor of Business (BBus) in Banking
- Bachelor of Business (BBus) in Business Law
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Business Law
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) + Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (BEI)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (BE(Hons)) + Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (BEI)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (BE(Hons)) + Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
- Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Environmental Management and Sustainability
- Bachelor of Business (BBus) in Finance
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Finance
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Global Business and Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Global Politics and Policy
- Bachelor of Arts Honours (BA(Hons)) in Sustainable Development
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (GradCertBusAdmin)
- Master of Business Administration (Global) (MBA(Global))
- Master of Health Care Management (MHCM) + Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) + Master of Human Resources Management (MHRM)
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) + Master of Information Technology (MIT)
- Master of Development Studies (MDS)
- Graduate Certificate in Environmental Assessment and Management (GradCertEnvAsstMan)
- Master of Health Administration, Policy and Leadership (MHAPL)
- Graduate Certificate in Health Administration, Policy and Leadership (GCHAPL)
- Master of Human Resources Management (MHRM)
- Graduate Certificate in Human Resources Management (GradCertHRM)
- Graduate Diploma in Human Resources Management (GradDipHRM)
- Master of International Affairs and Security (MIAS)
- Master of Professional Accounting (MPA)
- Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced) (MPA(Adv))
- Graduate Certificate in Protected Area Administration (GradCertPAAdmin)
- Master of Sustainable Development (MSustDev)
- Bachelor of Information Technology and Business
- Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Internetworking and Network Security
- Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Mobile and Web Application Development
- Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc(Hons)) in Business Information Systems
- Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc(Hons)) in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc(Hons)) in Cyber Forensics and Information Security
- Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc(Hons)) in Games Software Design and Production
- Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc(Hons)) in Games Technology
- Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc(Hons)) in Internetworking
- Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc(Hons)) in Internet Software Development
- Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Information Systems
- Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Cyber Security and Forensics
- Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Games Software Design and Production
- Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Games Technology
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) + Master of Information Technology (MIT)
- Graduate Diploma in Data Science (GradDipDataSci)
- Master of Engineering (ME) + Master of Information Technology (MIT)
- Master of Information Technology (MIT)
- Graduate Certificate in Information Technology (GradCertIT)
- Master of Science in Information Technology
- Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Management (GradDipITMan)
- Graduate Diploma in Internetworking and Security (GradDipIntwkSecur)
- Bachelor of Communication (BCommun) in Journalism
- Bachelor of Communication (BCommun) + Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
- Bachelor of Communication (BCommun) in Strategic Communication
- Bachelor of Criminology (BCrim) + Bachelor of Communication (BCommun)
- Bachelor of Communication (BCommun) in Global Media and Communication
- Master of Communication (MCommun)
- Graduate Diploma in Web Communication (GradDipWebComm)