Swinburne International Excellence Undergraduate Scholarship

Swinburne International Excellence Undergraduate Scholarship Up to 75%
02 January 2020 394 View

  • Applicants must have achieved an academic result of at least 60% GPA Australian standard equivalent in Year 12 (điểm GPA lớp 12 từ 7.0 trở lên)
    • GPA 7.0 - 7.49 -> 10% scholarship
    • GPA 7.5 - 7.99 -> 20% scholarship
    • GPA 8.0 - 8.99 -> 30% scholarship
    • GPA 9.0 - 9.49 -> 50% scholarship
    • GPA from 9.5 -> 75% scholarship
  • Applied to any bachelor degree except Bachelor of Aviation and Piloting, and Bachelor of Aviation and Piloting/Bachelor of Business double degree.