International Merit Scholarship 25%
- Scholarship: 25% first two semesters tuition fee
- Applicants have applied and be accepted for one of these courses offered by the Science and Engineering Faculty:
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
- Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Mathematics
- Bachelor of Property Economics
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Urban Development (Honours)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Mathematics
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments/Bachelor of Mathematics
- Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Mathematics
- Graduate Certificate in Project Management
- Master of Applied Science (Medical Physics)
- Master of Business Process Management
- Master of Data Analytics
- Master of Engineering
- Master of Engineering Management
- Master of Information Technology
- Master of Information Technology - Graduate Entry
- Master of Professional Engineering
- Master of Project Management
- Master of Engineering Management and Master of Engineering package
- Master of Engineering Management and Master of Project Management package
- Master of Engineering and Master of Project Management package.
- Applicants must have met the minimum English language entry requirements for the chosen degree program and got a GPA 8.5/10 from a gifted school; or GPA 3.4/4 or 8.25/10 from a recognized university in Vietnam.
- Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 5.5 out of 7 throughout the course to keep the scholarship going after the first two semester.